Keep Your Writing Simple

Life flourishes in a simple sentence. Beauty surrounds a simple sentence. Simplicity is the secret to good writing.

Keeping your writing simple may sound like an easy task at first, but everyone who has tried their hand at writing with simplicity will testify of its difficulty.

These five guidelines and mindsets will help you accomplish clarity, simplify your writing, and provide a more pleasant journey for your readers.

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Love the Lord with All Your Strength

Every single one of us has a membership to the gymnasium of life, where we gladly spend our money, routinely meet up with like-minded people, and encourage each other to get the most out of our workout … We get caught up in the hamster wheel of simply doing more and spreading ourselves thin in every direction chasing after every fancy. Where do you expend most of your energy? Do you squander your efforts attempting to fill broken vessels that are unable to hold the life that only Jesus offers?

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3 Disciplines for Better Writing

It’s fair to say regarding the writing process that we are acquainted with the fear and even frustration of getting the ball rolling. We are also acquainted with “being in the zone” and the creativity workflow simply gets better. A key factor is not simply to wait for inspiration; moments of inspiration may come, and you must not squander that opportunity when it arrives. For the most part, the ball gets rolling and you enter the flow state when you sit down and get to work. In this post, I share 3 disciplines for better writing, disciplines that will sharpen your writer's edge. To this day, these disciplines prove to be effective and beneficial to young and seasoned writers alike.

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Love the Lord with All Your Soul

“Soul” is the essence of one’s living breath. Think of it as the value, meaning, purpose, and worth of each person’s life while they still have breath, while they are alive.

A proper understanding of this word confronts us with how we live each living and breathing moment. God breathed in us the breath of life that we may be living creatures. With each breath, we are living expressions of the image of God. Each breath is rightly offered in gratitude and worship joining the choir of creation for His glory and purposes.

Love the Lord with all your soul. Life is waiting.

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5 Tips to Improve Your Writing

In order to improve your writing, you must be intentional - put in the effort, remove distractions in order to focus, and ... keep writing. I believe ongoing exposure and practice over time will yield vast improvements in your writing. Improvements may go undetected for a time, but a brief moment of comparison and reflection will reveal your progress. It takes time and effort to improve your writing. Like any craft, time invested will produce results over time. The same principle applies when it comes to improving your writing.

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Love the Lord With All Your Heart

If we, as God’s children, fall prey to this modern practice of deconstructing meaning, shipwreck lies ahead. Without a clear understanding of the heart, it will be nearly impossible to fully grasp the sense of Biblical knowledge, wisdom, assurance, confidence, and even love - we miss out on living eternal life to the full. Let’s reason together to see if we can remove some of the fog, remove some of the ambiguity, and gain clarity regarding the Biblical definition and understanding of “the heart”.

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Seasons of Uncertainty, Change, and Transition Are Beautiful

As I thumb through recent pages of my personal journal, I face echoing themes of late that weigh quite heavily on my heart and mind: Uncertainty, change, and transition ... once again. Navigating times of flux consume much of my daily reflections and personal prayers these days … Many times I feel as if every new chapter in life is me “starting over” again ... (and again) … (and again). How am I learning to navigate these times of change, transition, and adventure?

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The Master's Workshop: 5 Projects for A Happy Home

There are quiet pressures within the home that wage war against the soul and livelihood of the family. Busyness and routines of the day sweep us up, and we habituate ourselves to their patterns and suggestions. As a result, we fall into the trap of merely functioning and surviving … and we’re really good at it also. Does it feel like you’re missing out on the life of your family while you are tirelessly working for your family? Don’t let the life of your family fly by. The family can experience unequaled joy and be a happy home when it becomes the Master’s workshop.

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4 Songs to Build a Happy Home

The happy home is where parents pave the way for a Gospel-centric, Christ-centric fear of the Lord, where children are strengthened on their journey of becoming plants nurtured in their youth and corner pillars carved in the palace styles (Psalm 144:12), where the whole family unit is consecrated to the Lord only, where the family’s Gospel-influence reverberates through their community. The happy home is more than just a possibility; the happy home becomes a reality for the wise builder, who builds on solid rock: Christ Jesus as the broad, firm, and unshakable foundation.

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Compass

Life awaits those who align all aspects of their lives with the fear of the Lord. In doing so, life becomes intimately familiar with moral goodness and discovers beauty … pleasantness unveiled. Life isn’t absent from earthly troubles; but your path is made straight, and you are protected from being deterred from the abundant life that is found only in Jesus.

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